Painting in my Studio

Painting in my Studio

About Me

I was raised in San Diego, CA where my formative years were spent pursuing the dream of being either a professional athlete or a rock star. Neither ambition played out as I would have liked, but I do have a wonderful life. My family consists of my wife Dawnelle (married 20 Years May 2010), my son Garrett, a basketball nut and entering high school freshman, and Ellery, a chip off the old block (a budding musical and theatrical talent). We also have an amiable dog named Matisse, two indifferent cats, a caged rabbit and one very annoying northern flicker (woodpecker) who is destroying the eves of my house. We all live in Bend, OR - a wonderful outdoor lifestyle kind of place on the eastern slopes of the Cascade Mountains. We spend our time schooling, skiing, and developing bleacher butt watching our son Garrett play basketball. I do manage to balance work and family life and enjoy the time I have to make things. I have been painting now professionally for nine years and continue to thrive on the journey that each new painting brings. For me it continues to be a journey of self discovery ...... much as in life I continue to ask the question who am I and what am I to become?